
Great Superpower and Supernatural Force and Planet Creation

Monday, June 6, 2022

Rain and Snow, Fog and Mist, Frozen and Celsius Temperatures

 Rain and Snow, Fog and Mist, Frozen and Celsius Temperatures

It is Interesting when you notice your Body Temperature Seems to 

be at the Low or High End, Meaning your Body or Life Form may be

Accustomed to the Cold and Freezing Weather or Temperature more often 

then the Opposite related to the Sun or Brightness, Haven't you Noticed During your Life

and Lifetime, you Seem to Eat at a Certain Time, or Take a Walk outside at a Specific Time

or Area and Location, Some Individuals Need a Hot Cup of Coffee and or a 

Glass of Soda with Ice Cubes, It is Interesting that Some People Need to have 

Cold Temperatures or Hot Temperatures based on where they are Living 

and or what kind of Life Form or Organism 

They Are during your 100 Years of Living or 750 Years of Living. Some of you have to Live in the 

Ocean while some has to Live on Land, Some of you may also Live in the Deep Sea 

and Some in the Forest or Jungle, This is an Update and Some important Information 

that you All need to Know

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