
Great Superpower and Supernatural Force and Planet Creation

Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Outpost and Fortress of Magical Community and Wizards and Witches

Welcome to the Creation of an Outpost or a Town of Magical and Divine

Creators of the World, We need to Remind you about the Gods and Goddesses

of your Past and the Subject of the Holy Shrine, Heaven and Hell or an Ancient civilization

a Portal or Gate to the Supernatural Community and Society, Dont Forget about Wizards and 

Witches that Existed in the Year 1600 and The Use of a Magic Staff or Magic Wand to create

Force Field or a Magical Shield, or the Creation of a Landmass or Land

The Creation of the Ocean and or Deep Sea, Who Really Created the Ocean or a Continent?

Did we Forget about the Knowledge and Real Education about Vampires and Fairies 

Necromancers and or Warlocks, Unicorn and a Pony, Whitelighter Angel or a Holy Spirit

Do we know the Names, of Evil and Good Gods that Existed in our World

Who Creates the Rain and Snow? Fairy Tale or Fantasy Stories 

some people may think this is? But I think it's Real Life and could be Real Life

Welcome to the Start of a New Civilization and World for those Who Believe in Divine and 

Supernatural, Magical and Witchcraft, Wizardry and Creation of a God

Welcome to the First Steps of remembering an Empire or Kingdom of Ancient Civilization 

or the Beginning of the Magical and Wizardry World, We are a Secret Society 

in a Holy Atmosphere and Habitat that is Dedicated in Nature and Environmental Protection

What Happens when you have a Following of a New Spiritual Force of those 

Believe in an Emperor Style of Creation or a New World and a New Set of Rules 

that is Meant to Bring back a Civilization that was created 

Thousands of Years Ago. What Happens when People think your an Evil Soul 

or a Good Spirit trying to Change the World and Create something New 

and Wanted from Millions of PeopleWelcome to the Belief and Beginning 

of an Ancient Dominion Land

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