
Great Superpower and Supernatural Force and Planet Creation

Sunday, October 23, 2022

Misfit and Monster Community and Society

 Misfit and Monster Community and Society

Welcome to our New Foundation and a Village and or Start of a Colony 

Have you Ever Wanted to Build your own Ideal Dream and or Desire 

What about the Trashy and Explicit Crowd, The Black Misfits who would 

Do anything to be Successful, Perhaps even Break Some Rules or Feel Like

They have a Right to Be a Black Star and In order to Protect your World

or perhaps based on your Beliefs or based on your Religion do what it takes

to Satisfy a person or Individual, or a Creative Design to Exceed Expectations.

We are the Misfits and Monsters we are the Rebels or Outlaws, We are those who 

would Sacrifice our Life or our Past to Make Sure the population or our Country

could Survive and Afford the Basics of Living, Perhaps Meager Food and Water

Shelter and perhaps even Start or Launch a Project so Every Person would be able

to Afford to Survive the 4 Seasons of each Year thoughout their Lifetime.

We Believe everyone should have a Possession of Clothes and Apparel, Shoes and

have a Supply of Enough Food and Water, Shelter and perhaps have a place 

to Sleep and Work Together to Make our World a Better Place

Black Misfits | Outlaws and Rebels | Black Star Foundation 

Green Monsters | Build a Dream | Trashy and Explicit

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