
Great Superpower and Supernatural Force and Planet Creation

Thursday, April 13, 2023

The Beginning of an Ocean or the First Creation of a Landmass

 The Beginning of an ocean and the first creation of a landmass

Have we all forgot about how the earth or planet was created and the first year 

perhaps it started 600 million years ago, (in the BC Era or the Minus Years)

Before the very first land or ocean was created, Who Created the Planet? Perhaps

a Planet God? or a Supernatural and Divine Force Created the Spacetime Continuum 

or created the outer layer of a planet, such as the atmosphere or stratosphere

Do we Remember about the Equator or core of a country or planet, or perhaps the 

Borders or Borderline connection to multiple countries or civilizations, Do we know 

what or how a Creek or River is Formed? How important is a Creek or River in a Civilization

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