
Great Superpower and Supernatural Force and Planet Creation

Monday, January 10, 2022

Spaceships and Planet, Space Aliens and New Dimension of a Homeworld, Lead and Manage

 Living on a New Planet and Seeing Spaceships in the Sky, You are Seeing Space Aliens

You are Hearing the Sound of Animals or Believe 

there are Animals on the Surface in a New Dimension

You are Convinced you are living in a New Space Dimension 

of the Planet, Prevision and Future Events

You are seeing Biological Family Members who have Deceased Come and Visit you

You Wish you Could Be Teleported onto your own Planet or Homeworld to lead and Manage

You Hate and Dislike Automobiles and Vehicles on the Road, and Would Rather Walk

You are a Space Commander of the Future

Making Changes to the Space System and or Weather

You Seem to be a Crow God and Communicating with the Crows and Ravens and Animals

You Seem to Hate Electricity and Electronics (Turn off the Cellphone, Television)

 and would Rather Focus your Time Outside and or Changing your Future or Life

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