
Great Superpower and Supernatural Force and Planet Creation

Friday, December 10, 2021

Please Turn off the Cellphone and Your Television, It's Annoying and you Should Focus on your Future Life

You are 40 Years old and you hate the Cellphone and Computers, and Anything with Electronics

It seems like the Population is too addicted and Slaves to the Cellphone and Computers

All you want is Peace and Quiet, You Wish people would Turn off the Cellphone

Prices for Everything is to High, You Decide it's time to Live the Primitive and Basic Life

You Decide the Best Action is to Live as a Hermit or on Solidarity or Independently

You end up Quitting the Computer and Using Electronics such as the Television or Stereo

You end up Getting Sick of Paying Rent and end up Doing the Same Thing Every Day

You are About to Change Drastically, Your Interests Change and you want to do Gardening

Landscaping or do Outdoor Stuff, You Focus more on Wilderness and Nature Living

You Focus Entirely on your Future and Retirement, Perhaps it's Survival or Supplies Related

Have you found Someone to Fall in Love with or Have Casual Sex with or Seduction

You Enjoy Watching Pornography and or xxx, Have you had it in Real Life?

You enjoy Backpacking or Camping and Sleeping under the Stars and Moonlight Outside

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