
Great Superpower and Supernatural Force and Planet Creation

Saturday, December 11, 2021

What Happens when you Die and Pass out on the Floor Because of the Computer? Will the World be Destroyed?

 Have you ever thought about Planet Earth, The First Settlers and Creators of the World

They Didn't have Computers or Electronics, or Electricity or Televisions in the Early Age

In Our Opinion, People are to Addicted to the Computer or Television the use of Electricity

What Happens when you are so Addicted to your Job and Computer you

forget about the Basics of Living, and your Memories end up Haunting you?

The Story of Waking up with Severe Migraines and Dizzy and You Knock over your Computer

Faint and Collapse on the Floor and End up Dying, Have you ever thought about about your Life?

The Precious Living of a New Reality do you want to save the Planet? The Use of Concrete

and Cement on the Surface of the World and Planet, Is it Effecting the Weather?

Sealing and Sealed off the Core and Crater of the Universe? The Truth will Prevail itself

You are So Busy and Addicted with Technology

Are you going to Forget about Family and Friends

The Dangerous Effect of not Following your Heart and Beliefs will end up destroying this World

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